Dose for Excel 3.6.0 Crack With Activation Key Free Download [2022]
Dose for Excel duplicate rows, loading them by comparing sheets, or having a headache while doing complex tasks in Excel, Dose for Excel is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to simplify all those complex tasks in just a few clicks. It offers more than 100 advanced new functions and features added to the Excel ribbon for ease of use. For example, you can quickly export sheets, merge cells, rows, or columns without losing data, comment helper, count cells by color, advanced built-in formulas, advanced built-in functions, or easily auto-backup your workbooks. Dose for Excel Add-In will simply save you time and effort. If you are tired of getting rid of duplicate rows, comparing sheets, or performing difficult activities in Excel, Dose for Excel is the efficient and convenient solution you need to simplify all that complex work in just a few clicks.
It contains more than 100 powerful new functions and features that have been added to the Excel ribbon for your convenience. You can, for example, export sheets, merge cells, rows, or columns instantly without losing data, use the Comments Assistant, count cells by color, use powerful built-in calculations, and easily back up your workbooks. Dose for Excel Add-In is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet add-in that allows users to quickly perform jobs faster and more efficiently than ever before. Dose for Excel Add-In is a software product developed by Zbrainsoft and licensed as sharing software which means that the software product can be downloaded by users and has a free trial of 14 days of the features and functionality that the full package contains. This software is highly Excel 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, and Office 365.
Dose for Excel 3.6.0 Crack With Activation Key Download [2022]
This handy, powerful software offers over 100 new advanced features and functions. These features and functionality are added to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet command bar which either makes existing features easier to work with or makes the lives of its users better with its new functionality. For example, Microsoft Excel users find it difficult to quickly export and combine spreadsheets without losing data. But with Dose for Excel Add-In, you can quickly export spreadsheets and merge cells, rows, or columns without losing your data. With this handy, powerful software, you can also quickly export count cells by color, advanced built-in functions, annotation assistant, advanced built-in formulas, and auto-backup your workbooks easily. Why not buy this great software from us today? Dose for Excel Add-In will make Microsoft Excel spreadsheets easier for you to handle and simplify your daily duties in the office.
If you regularly delve into Excel spreadsheets, you know how much time it takes to perform the functions. Well, that’s why you need to sit back and listen to today’s program, Dose for Excel Add-In. Dose for Excel Add-In is an add-in for Microsoft Excel that allows you to perform jobs faster and more efficiently than ever before. With Dose for Excel Add-In, you will be able to access features from the command bar that either simplify existing features or make your life better with completely new functionality. What is some amazing functionality that you get with Dose for Excel Add-In? How about mentioning some of the +100+ features: delete rows (empty, empty cell, given value, duplicate rows, hidden rows)? Delete columns (empty, empty cell, given value, duplicate rows, and hidden rows). Merge (cells into one, merge rows, merge columns). Division (first and last words, words separated).
Compare papers
- Compare sheets peer-to-peer or column-based, and mark updated, new, and deleted rows and cells.
auto backup
- Never lose Excel data with this tool, make automatic backup of your workbooks in open mode or on demand with the ability to set a backup destination.
date picker
- Pop up the date picker pane to easily insert the date into a range of cells, and you can set your date and time format.
trim spaces
- Remove indents, trailing, or trailing spaces for a specific cell, worksheet, or entire workbook with one click.
Count by color
- Calculate Sum, Count, Average, Min, and Max based on background color or font in a range, and generate a report.
to merge
- Merge cells, rows, and columns into one with the ability to specify a separator between them.
split, rip
- Divide the first and last name, or split a range based on a character or separator.
Formula Helper
- The Dose for Excel add-in provides more than 100+ built-in complex formulas that you can use frequently without having to remember how to create the formula.
- Implement more than 50 advanced built-in functions without wasting time writing VBA code for them, which saves time.
data cleaning
- Easily clean up your worksheet by clipping spaces, changing cases, converting text to numbers, and vice versa.
change status
- Change the case to uppercase, lowercase, or proper case, or capitalize the first character inside the cell.
- The color repeats the values of each group of identical cell values colored in its color.
- Delete identical columns, empty columns, hidden columns, columns with specific values, and columns from at least one empty cell, all with one click.
Text / Numbers
- Remove from selected cells (letters only, numbers only, symbols only) with one click.
- Delete or mark matching rows, empty rows, hidden rows, rows with a specified value, and rows from at least one empty cell, all with one click.
- Export the selected sheets in a separate workbook to your local disk.
- One of the advantages of using Dose for Excel is that it has great functionality and capabilities; Many additional features have improved Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
- The program has an impressive set of tools that make everyday work as easy as counting by color and files.
- The customer support team is also very responsive.
- Helps increase your productivity
- Provides endless hours of the line-by-line spread of spreadsheets.
- If you need to organize several groups for mail, sales, evaluations, or anything related to that, this product is the product because it simplifies everything to order.
- You have to know the software and its functions to be able to run it because it has endless functions and you will see the greatness of the software.
- When you load Dose for Excel, your computer may slow down slightly for a few seconds. This largely depends on the version of the operating system.
- It also takes time to explore all of its different functions.
- Dose for Excel Add-In is a handy powerful office tool that helps every Excel user; From novice to advanced users, save time and effort. Would you allow this wonderful opportunity to pass you by? Do you allow yourself to continue to struggle with office work? Say no to worry by purchasing this powerful yet easy-to-use tool from us today!
System Requirements:
- 256 MB+ RAM
- 5 GB of hard disk space
- Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP SP3
- RAM 256 MB
- 1.5 Gb Of Hard Disk Space Needed
- 1 GHz Processor
How to Install?
- First of all download software and install it
- After installing go to “settings” > “Troubleshooting”
- Now open the download folder
- Open the cracked zip file with the license key
- Use these keys for activation
- After this reboot system
- Done.