OSForensics 10.0.1003 Full Crack + License Key Latest Version



OSForensics 10.0.1003 Professional Crack With License Key Latest Version [2023]

OSForensics allows you to quickly extract forensic evidence from computers through high-performance file searches and indexing. Identify suspicious files and activities using hash matching, push comparisons of signatures, email, memory, and binary data. Manage your digital investigation and generate reports from collected forensic data. Enjoy! OSForensics can index the content of a large variety of file formats. This includes DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, XLS, RTF, WPD, SWF, DJVU, JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, MP3, DWF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, MHT, ZIP, PST, and more. Recursive containers are also supported. It is therefore possible to properly index a DOCX file attached to an email in a PST file which in turn is compressed into a ZIPX file. It provides one of the fastest and most powerful ways to locate files on your Windows PC. You can search by file name, size, creation, modified dates, and other criteria.

The results are returned and made available in several different useful views. This includes a timeline view that allows you to search matches on a timeline, showing the user’s activity pattern on the device. The first stage is the ability to search emails to create an index of the respective archives. This may take some time but allows for quick, frequent searches later. OS Forensics allows you to perform full-text searches within email archives used by many popular email clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook Express, and more. OSForensics allows you to recover and search for deleted files, even after they have been removed from the Recycle Bin. This allows you to review files that the user may have attempted to destroy. Each deleted file is displayed with the corresponding quality index between 0-100. A value towards 100, with only a few sets of data missing.

OSForensics 10.0.1003 Full Crack With Serial Key Latest Version

OSForensics 9.1.1012 Full Crack + License Key Latest Version

OSForensics scans your system for evidence of recent activity, such as websites accessed, USB drives, wireless networks, recent downloads, website logins, and website passwords. This is particularly useful for identifying user trends and patterns, and any recently accessed materials or accounts. With the program, you can recover browser passwords from Chrome, Edge, IE, Firefox, and Opera. This can be done on a live device or from a hard drive image. The data retrieved includes the site’s URL (usually HTTPS), the login username and password for the site, the browser used to access the site, and the Windows username. Blacklisted URLs are also reported, which show that the user has visited the site but chose not to store a password in the browser. It can detect and expose hidden HPA and DCO areas in a hard drive, which can be used for malicious purposes including hiding illegal data.

Host Protected Area (HPA) and Device Configuration Overlay (DCO) are features for hiding sectors of the hard disk from end-user access. The app includes built-in support for accessing Volume Shadow Copies. Shadow copies provide a glimpse into the volume at some point in the past. This will allow detection changes to files and even display possible deleted files. It provides a basic web viewer with the ability to load web pages from the web and save screenshots of web pages in the state. The web browser can optionally be configured to capture web pages from a list of user-defined URLs. Additionally, the web browser can capture all or a subset of linked pages (up to one level) Computer investigations are difficult to conduct, especially since it is easy to hide electronic evidence or get rid of it completely.

OSForensics 10.0.1003 Professional Crack With License Key Latest Version Free Download

However, you can manage the recovery of all that information, using specialized software designed to detect and identify a variety of suspicious files and documents. OSForensics is an application that enables you to thoroughly scan and scan your PC for any clue that might give you insight, by scanning anything from email archives, deleted files, and even web browsing history. Additionally, you can organize directories by creating separate instances, which can separate data from each other. In case you are dealing with encrypted files, the utility can check and match the files using common SHA-256 or MD5 hashes to check if their signatures match.

Moreover, almost any space of your hard disk and operating system can be accessed, including the registry, volume backups, and even the cache. Because investigations tend to accumulate decent amounts of information, it can be very difficult to follow up and sort them out, especially if you’re dealing with more than one case at the same time. In such cases, you can take advantage of the application’s report-generation function, which enables you to aggregate data.

OSForensics 9.1.1012 Full Crack + License Key Latest Version


  • Import and export of retail collections
  • The customizable data collection system
  • There are no restrictions on the number of cases managed through OSForensics
  • Recover multiple deleted files in one process
  • List and search for an alternate file stream
  • Sort image files by color
  • Disk indexing and searching are not limited to a fixed number of files
  • No watermark on web captures
  • Multi-core acceleration for file decryption
  • Customizable system information collection
  • Find files faster, search by file name, size, and time
  • Search within the file contents using the Zoom search engine
  • Search email archives from Outlook, ThunderBird, Mozilla, and more
  • Recover and search for deleted files
  • Detect recent activity of site visits, downloads, and logins
  • Gather detailed information about the system
  • Recover passwords from web browsers, decrypt office documents
  • Discover and reveal hidden areas of your hard drive
  • Browse volume shadow copies to see previous versions of files


  • A remarkably comprehensive suite of digital forensics tools
  • The user interface is easy to navigate, and the start tab includes shortcuts for each tool
  • Light on system resources, despite the huge amount of tools on offer
  • Supports 32-bit and 64-bit versions


  • No problems have been encountered, thus there is nothing important to note. The only thing I can say is that some tools require more knowledge to use and interpret…but that should be obvious due to the nature of this software
  • You can create a portable version (but you have to install all the regular versions first), and it’s only available in the premium version.

What’s New?

  • Create/search index:
  •  Fixed crash when saving and loading index configurations
  • File system browser:
  • Fixed file entries not showing in detail view/menu in Win
  • Installation on USB:
  • Configuration link added to set auto-sort options in the USB installation window
  • Location:
  • Additional UI adjustments for translation
  • start window:
  •  Fixed file name error when opening a file directly from the start window (registration, email, etc.) where the file name could be random text or not open properly


  • Thanks to its extensive feature list, there are very few things that OSForensics pass on, especially when it comes to deleted or hidden files. Moreover, you can easily make use of all the available components, thanks to the intuitive interface and general simplicity of the application.




System Requirements:

  • 256 MB+ RAM
  • 5 GB of hard disk space
  • Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP SP3
  • RAM 256 MB
  • 1.5 Gb Of Hard Disk Space Needed
  • 1 GHz Processor

How to Install?

  • First of all download software and install it
  • After installing go to “settings” > “Troubleshooting”
  • Now open the download folder
  • Open the cracked zip file with the license key
  • Use these keys for activation
  • After this reboot system
  • Done.

OSForensics 10.0.1003 Professional Crack With Serial Key 100% Free Download[2023]

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